Media Kit and #NetGalley – #OperationGeorge

Media Kit and #NetGalley – #OperationGeorge

Operation George is now getting into its pre-release marketing stride. 

A media kit is now available and can be downloaded here.  It is also available on NetGalley and I am inviting professional reviewers to request a digital galley of the book

There has been an amazing amount of interest shown in the book by film production companies and I am in the process of discussing the project with them. 

There may even be a spin-off from this book but I must keep that under wraps for the time being. 

You can find more details about the book and pre-order information here at Books2Read

Join my newsletter to keep updated about the progress of Operation George. You will find a signup link in the sidebar. 


Operation George Excerpts #1

Operation George Excerpts #1

What you are about to see and hear is a selected reading from some of the early chapters of ‘Operation George.’ We, Mark Dickens and I, hope you enjoy it.

The book is in a full developmental edit stage right now and a cover designer briefed to produce the book cover. We anticipate the book launch to take place in early 2022 and will become available for purchase as an eBook, paperback, hardcover, and an audiobook.

Early beta readers have spoken highly about the book and none more so than Graham Bartlett, a former police officer and now a writer. He wrote:

Operation George is brilliant! It’s a unique insight into the undercover world, the ingenious tactics, the outwardly serene UCOs and the fastidious adherence to rules and training are nothing like I’ve ever read before.

Devoting the majority of the second half of the book to the trial was inspired. It’s all very well for readers to have that amazing peek into the undercover world (and the way the team created a totally illusionary one for Fulton at huge potential risk to themselves given his background and connections) but to show how the evidence obtained stands or falls in court does the whole tactic justice.’

–          Graham Bartlett, former UK senior police officer and co-author with international best seller, Peter James, of a Sunday Times Top Ten bestselling non-fiction book, Death Comes Knocking – Policing Roy Grace’s Brighton.

More excerpts will be released over the coming weeks and if you want to make sure you miss nothing about Operation George sign up for my newsletter. 

Hop on over to the Operation George page on my website to find out more information. 

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