Mercy Has a New Fan
Impressed because of the unusual style. Delighted… well, you can read why I felt that way. Here is the review:
Tony Parsons
Reviewed in the United States on April 21, 2021
2024, Florida Panhandle. Navarre Beach. Mercy Deal (15, daughter) met Conor O’Rourke (20, Georgia Tech U, Kappa Alpha frat boy).
Then she took a drink that had a date-rape drug in it.
She was no longer a virgin.
Wolfie Jules had been prowling the beach.Captain Mike Stevenson (Fort Walton Beach PD) was talking with Wolfie (30+, Hispanic) who had called 911.
Sacred Heart ER. Mercy was being looked at.
Detective Matt Deal (husband/father) rushed to hospital.
Dr. Destin (brain trauma surgeon) greeted & spoke with Detective Deal when they arrived.
Not good news at all.
Sandestin. Captain Stevenson & the PD busted down the condo door. The Kappa Alpha frat boys: Conor O’Rourke, Roland Fenney, Brett Angus, Paul Greenslade, & Tim Heath had been smoking MJ & drinking.The 5 suspects were read their Miranda rights & hauled down to the station.
They had bailed out.
Court was held & they were all released.
6-months later, Mercy was still in a coma.
Wolfie Jules (computer genius) & Sheba (Wolfie’s German Shepherd) came to work for Detective Matt Deal (Homicide/Robbery) at the Big Deal’s Gym.
Detective Deal invited his ex-wife Lorey to the Napoli pizza parlor.
Emily Breen (NCA IA head) met with Detective Deal.
Detective Deal was still suspended 6 months after the death of Tommy Etchwell “Butcher of Brighton” Darker Productions owner.
Mercy was now in Tallahassee Memorial Hospital a specialist neurological trauma center PVS wing.
Jack Hughes (grandfather, wealthy) was picking up the tab.
The Crown versus Matthew Deal.
Not guilty.
Sheba Investigations. Mrs. Tina Gonsales (wife) came to see Matt Deal about Leo Gonsales (husband, construction foreman).
Mobile, AL. trailer park. Matt went to visit with Celia LeFevre (widow, wheelchair bound. Social Security) about here deceased husband Pierre LeFevre (aka Peter).
Jack Hughes (Matt’s ex-father-in-law, Hughes Realty Inc.) made an urgent call.What were Andy Messina & Joe Caruso up to?
I do not receive any type of compensation for reading & reviewing free books from publishers & authors. Therefore, I am under no obligation to write a positive review, only an honest one.
An awesome book cover, great font & writing style. A very professionally written crime thriller book. It was quite easy for me to read/follow from start/finish & never a dull moment. There were no grammar/typo errors, nor any repetitive or out of line sequence sentences. Lots of exciting scenarios, with several twists/turns & a large description list of unique characters, settings, facts etc. to keep track of. This could also make another great crime thriller movie, or better yet a mini-TV series. There is no doubt in my mind this is an extremely easy rating of 5 stars.
Thank you for the free author; Hendry Publishing; BookFunnel; Amazon Digital Services LLC. Kindle Mobi; book
Tony Parsons MSW (Washburn)
Yes, in particular that penultimate paragraph delights me. Mr. Parsons obviously appreciates indie authors who invest in professional cover design, editing, and the craft of writing. Thank you!
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